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Generator First Service Free Offer – Terms and Conditions

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Hampshire Generators – Free First Service Offer on Selected Generators

This is a great offer and having your generator serviced by an authorised and experienced generator specialist means you can rest assured it will work when you need it to.

generator first service

These are the terms and conditions of the ‘First Service Free’ Offer on selected generators:-

  1. The generator must be purchased from Hampshire Generators.
  2. You (the original purchaser) must register the warranty as per the manufacturer’s requirements.
  3. You must operate the unit in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. The service must be booked in with us by email on info@hampshiregenerators.co.uk
  5. The first service must be booked in and completed within 12 months from purchase.
  6. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to request the service within the 12 month period.
  7. The service includes oil, oil filter (if installed), fuel filter (if installed) and load test.
  8. The generator can be dropped in to our workshop and collected from our workshop.
  9. Alternatively, we will arrange collection and delivery at a flat fee of between £10.00 & £50.00 (dependent on size of generator).
  10. If the generator is to be collected by courier you must
    • Completely drain the oil and fuel.
    • Securely and safely package the generator for collection by DPD courier (or similar).
    • We suggest you retain the original box for this process.
  11. We may need to swap this offer for an equivalent value service or item if circumstances beyond our control make it necessary.
  12. This offer can be withdrawn at any time before the generator is purchased.
  13. No repairs or remedial works are included in this offer other than the service as described.


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